Hands-On Guide:

Building and Deploying a Minikube Project.


2 min read

Hands-On Guide:

In the world of modern application development, orchestrating containers and ensuring seamless deployment are crucial tasks. In this tutorial, we'll explore how to build and deploy a Django-based Todo app using Kubernetes. By harnessing the power of Kubernetes, we'll achieve scalability, resilience, and efficient management of our application.

Project GitHub Repository: github.com/Rohit123890/django-todo-cicd.git

1. Setting Up Your Development Environment: Before we start, ensure you have Minikube and kubectl installed on your machine. Set up a virtual environment for your Python dependencies and have Docker installed as well.

2. Cloning the Django Todo App Repository: Clone the Django Todo App repository from GitHub using:

git clone https://github.com/Rohit123890/django-todo-cicd.git

3. Containerizing the Django Application: Navigate to your project directory and create a Dockerfile. Configure it to build a Docker image for your Django app.

4. Deploying the Application on Minikube: Set up a Kubernetes deployment and service configuration YAML files. Define the deployment specifications, such as image, replicas, and resources. Apply the configurations to your Minikube cluster.

5. Exposing the Service and Accessing the App: Expose your Django service using a Kubernetes service type. Access the application using Minikube's IP and port.

Conclusion and Future Steps: By deploying your Django Todo App on Kubernetes using Minikube, you've gained insights into containerization and orchestration. As you embark on this exciting journey of deploying Django applications in Kubernetes, you'll find that the scalability, reliability, and automation provided by these technologies contribute significantly to your development workflow and application's success.

Remember, the world of Kubernetes and containerization is vast, and there's always more to learn and explore. Happy coding, and may your Django Todo App flourish in its containerized Kubernetes habitat! ๐ŸŒŸ๐Ÿ๐Ÿšข
